Thursday, November 30, 2006


Heather (my lil sister) and I went to Hawaii! It's been a few months. I can't remember the order of the pictures but here are a few highlights.

The Boat: It was huge, and crowded with fat, lazy, old, american. But there where great sunsets! The food wasn't bad either.

On Mauii and Oahu we rented a car and took a drive around the island. The coast is so amazing. We found this great hippy village on the drive north on Oahu, they had a live food resteraunt uhh Green Lotus I think it was called. Fresh juice, tea, and food that Heather didn't like. Anyways here are some pictures from the coastal drive of Mauii and Oahu. nope I don't remember which one is Mauii. They are small because I had to put all of them in here. Click on the picture and it will load a larger image.

So, we got the the rental car company and they where sold out of the little tiny very small compact economy car we had reserved. The only thing they had left was a convertable! The lady actually asked us if we would "mind upgrading"! It's took about 3 seconds for the shock to settle but we both decided to go with the convertable.
On Mauii we stopped at one of these little side of the road stands. They where selling sugar cane juice! Oh it was sooo sweat and sooo good. Heather and I where on a sugar rush for the rest of the drive!

FLOWERS MMMM can you smell the flowers? They where everywhere. The airports had people with carts full of flowers on strings that you hang around your neck. They smelled so good.

Not so flowery.

We took a tour of this coffee farm in Kona. Kona Joe's, he is from California and took the idea of growing wine grapes on trellis and used it for coffee. Joe has won tons of ribbons for his coffee and even had his techniques pattented. Here is the farm.

We did so much in just one week. These pictures really are just a highlight. I will have to make another post of some of the fun random pictures. It was great finally geting to spend some time with my lil sister.
I think she had a good time

I know I did
But there are a few drawbacks to spending so much time with your sibling.


At Friday, December 01, 2006 2:58:00 PM, Blogger Colin Franger said...

WOW. Daniel. Those are some tasty photographs. The ones of the cliffs next to the water... I didn't realize the experience you had. It looks like a great time. I hope your sister enjoyed it. I was very delighted to see some photos.

Peace and love


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